How to Prepare for Your In Home Lifestyle Session {Seattle Family Photographer}

The number one question I get asked once a family has booked a lifestyle photo session is “Does my house need to be perfect?” The answer is NO! Your house should feel like you and that a family lives there, but there are a few things you can do to make your images look amazing:

Put Clutter Away

Remember that my camera can’t “unsee” what is there. If you don’t want it photographed, put it away. Cords and cables should be out of sight.

Focus on 1 or 2 Rooms

The rooms I use the most are the living room and the master bedroom. If you don’t have the time or energy to declutter the whole house, focus on those rooms.

Make Sure it Feels like Your Space

When cleaning up, don’t remove the essence of you. Keep family pictures, heirlooms, blankets, special toys out. The reason you’re having an in home session is because it is the place where you live your lives. Make sure it still feels like your space.

Seattle family photographers soon to be parents kiss in front of window in bedroom

Now that you’ve prepared your home, what about what to wear? Second most frequently asked question! I always recommend that mom chooses an outfit for herself first. Often moms put themselves last and this is a time when you should feel good about yourself. I do love the look of flowy cardigans and leggings, or a long flowy dress. It may not be what you’d wear every day but they are universally flattering and comfortable. Dress kids and dad in things they feel comfortable in. I would recommend putting kids in clothes they have worn before so they are used to the feel of the fabric. If you’re looking to buy something new for your kids, my favorite shops for sweet, photogenic clothes are Zara, Jamie Kay, H&M, and Peek Kids.

Lifestyle family photography little girl eating ice cream in bedroom while mom and baby sister look on

Timing - When should you have a session

The great thing about in home sessions is that they can be booked year round. No need to wait until it’s summer or fall as you’ll be cozy and warm inside your own home. I typically do morning sessions at 10am and afternoon sessions at 2pm, but we can be flexible around kids’ nap schedules if that doesn’t work for your family. Sessions last anywhere from one to two hours so we will want to avoid shooting late in the afternoon so we don’t lose the light, particularly in winter.

Seattle lifestyle photographer family of four play on bed

Don’t forget the outside of your home! Weather permitting, we may take a few images outside. Often families like an image taken on their front porch or back yard, so be sure to have those spaces photo ready if you’d like that too.

Seattle family photography parents to be stand underneath a tree

Lastly, be prepared to have fun. The session will focus on you connecting with your family so be ready to play, read books, and snuggle with your family.

Seattle family photographer dad and daughter playing together on bed