Why You Should Have a Lifestyle Session At Home {Seattle Family Photographer}

Lifestyle Family Sessions at Home

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I love to photograph families in their homes, the four walls in which they are most comfortable. If you’re here, you may be wondering if a lifestyle family session is for you. Here are my top reasons why I love photographing families at home.

Sessions can take place outside of the golden hour

Most photographers love shooting in the golden hour, that is the hour after sunrise, and the hour before sunset. I adore that time too, as it gives us the most beautiful and flattering light, however, it isn’t always possible with young kids. In the middle of summer, when the sun isn’t setting until after 9pm, it can be hard to keep kids not only awake, but happy at that hour. It is a lot easier to have an in home session at a time that works best for your family. The majority of my sessions start around 10am or 2pm, but I can always be flexible and come when it suits your family the most.

Seattle family photographers mom is holding baby in chair in living room

Your home contains items that can’t be found on a beach or in an open field

When I was photographing the family below, I saw this gorgeous chair and asked the mama to sit in it. While she was doing so, the dad told me that he bought that chair on the day that they met. Your house tells your story in a way that a public location can’t.

Seattle maternity photographer mom sits in a chair in the living room

Your kids are more relaxed and in better moods in their own space

Most kids can take a while to warm up to new people and new locations. If they’re in their own space, the session often goes a lot smoother and we can be done faster.

Seattle family photography dad is flying baby above his head in living room

You have put a lot of effort into your home and it should be celebrated

Most of the families I work with have spent a lot of time and money into creating a space that is uniquely theirs. You should be proud of the work you have put in and a photography session in your home not only celebrates your family, but the space you have put so much time and effort into.

Seattle lifestyle photographer mom and dad hold two girls in front of fireplace in living room

Lastly, it’s the little things

I have so many things to list here but here are a few:

  • pets can be included

  • bare feet are welcome

  • no-one else is watching as you have your session

  • no need to travel long distances

Lifestyle family photography family in kitchen with dog