What is the best age for a newborn photo session?

One thing I love about lifestyle newborn photography is that we can do a session any time in the first month or two. A session with a month old baby wouldn’t really look much different to a session with a 6 day old baby, however each age will have it’s benefits. Here are some reasons why you’ll want your newborn session in the first two weeks:

Baby will be more sleepy

While I don’t think babies have to be sleeping for their newborn session, a sleepy baby normally means a calm baby and a session that moves along quickly.

Baby will have more of the newborn look

Little details of a newborn disappear so quickly such as flakey feet, and the umbilical cord stump. If you want these little details documented, the earlier your session is, the better.

Baby acne hasn’t kicked in

Most babies start developing baby acne around the one month mark. This can be edited out so don’t worry if your baby has baby acne, but it may be something to think about if you’re not sure when you would like your newborn session to take place.

There are also some advantages to having your newborn session a little later:

Mom has had a little longer to recover from the birth

Some moms need a little longer to get ready for a newborn session. By delaying your session until week 5, 6, or even longer you may feel a little more on top of things.

You’ll have more time to figure out outfits

While some people have all the details sorted before baby’s birth, by having a newborn session a little later, you can take your time planning outfits.

Jaundice is not normally an issue

Some babies can look pretty yellow those first few days. An older newborn has normally passed the jaundiced stage.

As you can see, there are advantages to either age so it is really up to you and what works best for your family. I’m happy to chat with you more about the best time for your newborn session.

Newborn baby sleeping in parents' arms
newborn baby boy asleep in mom's arms
Parents holding newborn baby boy in nursery
Sleeping newborn baby smiling
newborn baby is asleep and parents are looking at him
parents holding baby boy on master bed
newborn baby lying on bed with parents
newborn baby on couch with dog
Sleeping baby boy in dad's arms
Newborn baby sleeping in dad's arms